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(1 edit)
Hello me again :) 
I played the game again and I really have to say that as much as I love this Game, 
I really miss the epilogue that was there before you edited the game. 
Is it somehow possible to add it back to the new version of the game? I would be really happy.
At the end of the game i always have the feeling that something is missing before it goes into the extras stories.
Best regards <3

Aww they removed it? I loved the epilogue it was my most favorite part of each route.  I have to completely agree with you. I was planning to buy the game but now I'm not too sure.

The epilogue is not included in the steam version. maybe it's still available here in the ichio version, unfortunately I don't know, so far I've only played it on steam since the new version. But I would really like to see the epilogue added to Steam and, if not available, to ichio as well

Please make for android too

I just bought the game although I tried unzipping the file, It still won't open? TT 

Hi! Can you tell us if you’re getting any errors when trying to open it? Feel free to send us screenshots of your unzipped file to and we’ll see if we can help :)

how in the world did you get gideon emery to voice for your game aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Magic 🌟

Good evening :) I really love this game and wanted to ask if 
the soundtrack of this game could be available as DLC. 
I'll be happy to pay for that too. Kind regards <3

The soundtrack is all copyright free music so you can find it on YouTube! The song names are listed in the credit screen :)

Thank you very much ♥️

Okay dumb question i know, but how do i unlock Mini-Stories 2 and 3? do i just need to keep playing through the game

they each unlock at the end of the previous mini story :) 

I love the game so far even though I'm just starting it but I have a question: is there an option to change\enlarge the game font? I have poor eyesight and the font, although pretty, strains my eyes to the point where I can't read for more than 15-20 minutes :(

I feel your pain, same here. I don't think there is any way to change the font unfortunately... had to play the game in small intervals and very close to the screen.

Actually, I have figured out a workaround if you are still playing! Hit Shift+A once in game and it brings up Ren'Py acessebility menu that allows you to enlarge the font or to use the sans type font. May look wonky in some cases (e.g save game info) but looks fine in dialogues and I was able to play with no problems! Wish there was a built-in version in the menu for that, though.

Holy shit, you have made my life so much better. Thank you SO MUCH for this reply!! :D

im a little confused but how do you start the poly romances, im not sure what im doing honestly 

The option to initiate the poly routes are in chapter five if you’re in a romance with one of the individuals in the pairings. 

Thank you so much!

(1 edit)

It was nice to replay it again and get to hear the characters too. All of them sound like I would've expected them to xD I definitely recommend it to the others that are checking the comments :)

So i finished August's route but can't unlock the last CG in his gallery. Can someone help?

You can unlock their CG from playing the mini story "Til Death"

 Thank you!

I bought it on steam but it refuses to run for some reason. Is there anyway you could send me the file on here? I will attach a screenshot for proof that I already bought this game.

Or maybe send it to like my email or something? What can I do to fix this issue because I want to play this beautiful game lol.

(1 edit)

We recommend that you get in touch with Steam support and they should be able to assist! Can you tell us if there’s an error message or anything that happens when you try to play? Also please check that your computer or antivirus are not trying to block the launch :)

Thank you so much for your quick response I appreciate it. I will get in touch with steam and check if anything is blocking the launch! There is no error or popups when I try to play, I'll keep you updated on what happens.

The "WTNC Revamp" Launcher pops up for a couple seconds and then closes.

Hi! sorry if this question has been asked before but do i have to pay for the game again if i've already bought it before the game was revamped? I bought it when it was only $5

If you’ve already purchased it before then you should just be able to download the new version for free in your library or on our page. 

Alright! Thanks for the reply!🧡 Looking forward to re playing the whole thing again with the dreamy voice overs 😍

Hi! I have a quick question, so I'm trying to play the DLCs but only one of them is unlocked? How do I unlock the other two?

All DLCs are unlocked in sequence/order at the end of the previous DLC, so to play the Halloween one you need to complete one route of Til Death :)

Ah okay! thank you!! :D

when i played this earlier this year, i definitely didn't picture finn with a voice quite as deep as gideon emery's but now that i see that i'm like ohhhhhh.

so excited to play the revamp!

I'm sorry, but are you telling me that you guys got ******* Fenris to voice Finnegan? How did that happen, lol? Not that I'm complaining. DA II was definitely one big ship for me. XD

omg when I made that connection---my love for this game just increased so much. All of the voice actors are pretty great!

>w< best one so far <3 >3> finn and Ezra most fav <3

Figured my issue out and it's great so far. :D 

Bought this game for Alkar and Piper but August's route was actually a pleasant surprise. Such good voice acting too

Hi! This is a random question, but what is the new song you used in the Till Death extra, during the final scene? It's beautiful, and I can't figure it out from the credits. Thank you!

I don't know if you've found it by now, but it's called Eternity, the artist is called Borrtex :)

how do i get all codex entrys and all the extra gallery scenes i have 3 left for each

seconded, i have the last CG for each character locked even though i feel like I went through all the endings.

You need to play through all of the DLCs in the Extras screen

(1 edit)

This is the first full-on VN I’ve ever seriously sat down to play, after toying a little bit with Monster Prom and Murder By Numbers (which is only about 50% VN). I’ve been following development at least since it was featured in that one “LGBTQ+ Games To Play For Valentine’s Day” article (can’t remember if it had come up in my steam queue before that) and I’m so happy it’s finally out. I’m glad you folks were able to overcome that last set of development hurdles.

I’m just curious as to whether or not the demo save carries over to the main game? If not, I’m not fussed, since I’m only losing about an hour worth of play time. (That, and I’m all for meeting Ezra and Finn for the first time again…)

EDIT: Figured out how to port my save, all good :)

Does anyone know if there are walkthroughs/guide I can follow? Bad endings scares me. ☹️

Without spoilers: the bad ending is pretty obvious once you get to the choice that matters for it. It's all in the last chapter of the game, and the split is easy to tell. Otherwise, the choices in the game do not effect your ending :)

How do I get the DLCs? :O I've bought the game and completed Ezra's good end but I was wondering about how to unlock them.

and by the way, thank ya for the game :D

They’re in the Extras screen :) 

Hello! I just opened the revamped version for the first time, and it is beautiful. I can't wait to playthrough all the routes again (just finished Ezra's once more) with all the tweaks and polishing. Thank you for the hard work and I can't wait to see Errant Kingdom and Call Me Under fnished.

Hi, I have the old version which I paid for- do I have to pay for this revamped version too to get the new content?

If you have the game in your library if you paid for it you should be able to just download the new version for free.

Hello, I'm also having the same issue. The game won't let me download the new one even though I paid for the old one.

I'm not getting that either. It's still asking that I pay $12.99 for it. :(

I have been sooo excited about this revamp! I can't even. Sadly, tho', I'm having a small problem. Sometimes lines happen where there should be voicing, but there isn't. Finn (or my beloved Gideon Emery) will speak one line, but the next one will be silent. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I have it installed through the app. 

It’s partially voiced :)

Oh, good! I mean, good to know that something isn't wrong with the game. And, speaking of voices, they're all spot on and I very much appreciate the work that you guys put in to revamping the whole thing! It's one of my favorites! And, well, anytime Gideon Emery is involved, I get shivers. Very nice shivers. :)

Playing this for the first time (I never got to play the old version) and I have to say I really enjoyed it! The voice acting was amazing (I melted the first time August spoke). I did have a question about the codex entries.

How can I unlock the final codex entry? I've gone through all routes and all endings (at least I think I've gotten them all). But it's still locked. Is it tied to one of the DLCs (which I have yet to get through with everyone thus far)?

It’s unlockable in Omen’s route in the first DLC!

Thank you!

Melted? Must be Jonah Scott.
(Sorry I am a simp of Jonah Scott's voice XD XD)

(1 edit)

Oh Jonah Scott definitely had a lot to do with the melting. XD He did a fantastic job (so did everyone else, too!)

Is the last general CG from an ending? A DLC? It's the only one I'm missing and I can't figure it out. Someone throw me a hint, please :)

When you complete the main game you’ll find the first DLC story is unlocked in the Extras screen. The 2nd and 3rd will unlocked respectively when you finish each one, and that final CG in the LI galleries are in the 2nd story, ‘Til Death.’

Right, but what about the last CG in the "general"/"other" gallery? I have all of the LI ones

This may count as a spoiler, but I believe it's from the Halloween DLC (I got it from doing August's route).

That was it, thank you!

If you're getting the issue that it won't launch from the itch app, launch it from the wtnc folder in your itch app library

(1 edit)

Playing through this again and just finished August’s route, and WOW is it even more impressive now with the voice lines! I can’t wait to do them all, my only question is that was the scenes that tell what happens to the Hunter and Aurora and such only for certain routes? I didn't get it when I finished August's route in the good ending but when I went the traitor route, it appeared to me with what happened to the hunter and her. Just curious!

Thank you so much! We did remove the end cards for the non-bad end routes because we have the post-game DLCs to extend the story now, but we've heard from a few old players who have played the ReVamp that they'd like to see them again so we will likely add them back in an update in the future :)

Playing through the Revamp has been so much fun, the new artwork (both the updated sprites and the gorgeous new CGs) is amazing and just adds so much to the enjoyment of the game.

The voice acting is incredible and getting to hear the characters has been really wonderful and honestly like a dream come true. The VA cast did an amazing job and I felt so immersed in the story and the world. I’m falling in love with the characters all over again, and being able to really hear them this time around is so sweet.

You’ve worked so hard while balancing so many other projects, but your hard work does not go unappreciated—thank you so much for creating this game and pouring so much love into it!! 

Amazing game, as always! Great voice work as well, I especially loved Alkar's voice actor. It's so nice to be able to hear how the characters sound. 

I do have a question, though that I'm wondering about. (possible spoilers, as well)

Alkar's enforcer brand seems to be gone, and I was just wondering why it was left out, if you don't mind answering, that is. If not, that's okay too. 

Again, thank you for sharing this game with us and I can't wait to play the full versions of Errant Kingdom and Call Me Under. I hope you have a great day!

Thank you so much! So glad to hear you enjoyed. And don't worry about spoilers, I think this is a pretty general question! The answer is pretty simple; we took it out because we weren't in love with the idea and it really didn't further the plot in any way. When we did the ReVamp the writing was nearly three years old, so we kept what we wanted and took out what we didn't to give you all what we think is a better game, no matter how small those changes were.

First off, excellent game! I've been waiting for the Revamp as I never had the opportunity to play the original, and was excited to see it was well worth the hype! Great art and story, it felt really immersive. Excellent choice of voice actors as well!! 

Had a quick q about steam keys, since the game is finally on steam. When I claimed mine, I connected my acct but I think since the game wasn't on steam yet, it disappeared or something? Not really sure, but wanted to see if there were any more Steam keys since I prefer to use that platform for organization sake. Thanks so much for making such an awesome game!!!

Thank you so much! You should still be able to access your key on Steam by following these steps;

  1. Launch the Steam client software and log into your Steam account.
  2. Click the Games Menu.
  3. Choose Activate a Product on Steam...
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.

If you still have issues with this please drop us an email at

I'm just wanted to give a sincere thank you for making and revamping this wonderful game. I've been taking my time with all the routes and I just finished Omen's. He has been my one of my favorites since I originally played and that is even more true now, I think. I find his story so beautiful and romantically tragic in a way, especially after Till Death, which made me want to weep. I cant wait to finish the other routes and dlcs. Thank you so, so much for creating and sharing such a memorable, charming, and delightful experience.

Thank YOU for your lovely comment x

(1 edit)

Hello, i have a question. Shouldn"t be there a short summary of each character after ch. 10 ? I'm 100% sure there was one, in the original game.

We removed these as there are post-game DLCs 

I have been living in this game this weekend. It's enchanting.

OMG the voice acting update is great.  I particularly love Finn's voice, it' the same voice actor as Fenris in DA2.

This game is good as ever, one of the best I've played.

I'm loving the game, I was so excited to see it release. And then you got *mild spoiler* "You're different. I like different." Lemme tell you I SCREAMED at the easter egg

Hii!! Are the DLCs available at the moment? If so, do you know where I can buy them? I just can't get enough of this game. Thank you in advance!!

The DLCs are included in the game, they're in the Extras screen and the first one is unlocked after completion of the main game, then the others will unlock when the subsequent DLCs are played.

Forgive me for being a bit slow, but I tried a tiny little bit of the prologue (really just up until august is supposed to be introduced) and not all the lines from Finn and Ezra where voiced. Is that normal?

The voice acting is only partial but all the good parts are voiced

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