Errant Kingdom Part Two: Out Now

There’s something new in Novus, something different, and that something isn’t you. There'll be no rest for the wicked, especially not when you keep sticking your nose where it doesn't belong...

Part Two consists of Chapter Two + Three and contains 115,011k words and 22 CGs, bringing our current total word count to 218,011 and our CG total to 37.

We have also added Steam achievements with this update and will add more with each subsequent update (trying to avoid future spoilers by uploading them all in one go!).

NOTE: as of 03:12am GMT on 01/07 we've pushed a small update/patch to fix a small error at the end of the Nomad route where the game was looping back to a previous scene post-ending card. This is now fixed, please update your game!

We're happy to have stuck to our previous promise of releasing updates on a roughly fortnightly basis despite the team having time off over Christmas and will continue to strive to stick to this. The remaining three parts of the game will be released roughly

 on a fortnightly basis, with the aim to have the full game released by the end of February 2023. If this schedule changes due to any unforeseen circumstances, we will let you know.

These releases should look as follows;

Part Three: Chapter Four + Five
Part Four: Chapter Six + Seven
Part Five: Finale

Please remember that Errant Kingdom has been fully ported into a new engine (from Unity > Ren'py) due to a large number of players experiencing issues with the previous version and some being unable to play entirely. We are confident everyone should now be able to play on any system without issue.

See you soon with Part Three. Enjoy!


Errant Kindom: Part Two 1.1 GB
Jan 07, 2023
Errant Kingdom: Part Two 1.1 GB
Jan 07, 2023

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